*Those who wish to stay at the university-designated hotel should also check the guide. Please note that there is a limited number of rooms available at the hotel.

2025 RWJP Application

(1) Handwritten Essay

-Please download out template.

-No translation machine allowed. This will NOT affect the screening process.

-Please write an essay by hand in Japanese. 

-The use of PCs is not allowed.

-Please write it on your own so that we can evaluate your exact Japanese level and assign you into suitable levels.

Note:Participants who do not have sufficient proficiency in Japanese to write a handwritten essay are encouraged to express their commitment in English as follows: “Although I am not yet able to write an essay in Japanese, I will definitely master Hiragana and Katakana before the program starts. I will also strive to be able to write an essay by the end of the program.”


(2) Letter of Consent(Pledge)

Read and sign the document.


(3) Certificate of Enrollment

The Certificate of Enrollment is an official document issued by your home university that shows you are currently enrolled in your home university. Please ask your university advisor or office to receive one.

Enrollment Sample

(4) Copy of Passport

If you do not have one, upload any file writing you will apply for a passport.


(5) Health Certificate Form

The Health Certificate Form is a crucial document necessary for safeguarding your own health and that of other participants. Please read all sections carefully to ensure no information is overlooked. If any section does not apply to you, please write “N/A.” In case of any omissions, a resubmission will be required, incurring additional time and costs. Failure to submit by the deadline may result in disqualification from participation.

When disclosing medical history or allergies, please do so meticulously. Note that medications prescribed to you may not be commonly available in Japan; it’s advisable to consult with a physician. Make sure to undergo a medical examination and obtain the physician’s signature. Emphasizing once more: incomplete documents will be returned, and a re-submission will be requested.

Health Form

(6) Official Transcript

Please submit the most recent official transcript up to the present date. If you are a first-year student or if your grades are not yet available, please submit your enrollment confirmation instead.

  • Some users may encounter errors when uploading files. The total file size should not exceed 20MB.
  • If your application is successful, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you provided. Please also check your spam folder.
  • Please refrain from submitting multiple applications.
  • If you don’t receive an automatic reply after applying, please contact us.
  • The documents you submit are for Ritsumeikan University. Please ensure that the resolution and quality are correct before submission. Note that illegible or low-resolution documents may not be accepted, so please double-check before submitting.
  • Please enter a complete and accurate address to ensure you can receive mail. This includes your room number if you live in a dorm or apartment. If mail doesn’t reach you due to an incomplete address, it will be your responsibility.

    Personal Information

    * = Mandatory


    First Name(*)

    Middle name

    Last name(*)

    Date of Birth(*)

    Year Month Date

    Current Mailing Information(*)




    Health Information

    Please indicate any special dietary, medical requirements, or allergies you may have.

    Emergency Contact Information(*)

    Emergency Contact Person(*)


    Japanese Education Background

    Japanese Language Courses in Progress or Completed

    List the following information for each formal Japanese Language Courses you will or have completed. Please let us know your physical hours, not credit hours, minutes nor number of days. If you do not have any Japanese learning experience, please write NONE.

    Class Name

    Physical Hours










    If you studied Japanese outside of university such as in high school or at a language school, please list the course(s) you took including hours of study and name of the institution.

    Please list all the text books you have used, including the chapters of each book you have completed. If you do not have any Japanese learning experience, please write NONE.(*)


    Completed Chapters

    Japanese Language Proficiency(*)





    Japanese Language Proficiency Test







    Upload your documents(*)

    Please upload all required documents to complete your application. File sizes must be less than 1 MB each.






    Health Certificate(*)(pdf/gif/png/jpg/jpeg)

    Please download and read our “Matter of Observed” and sign before uploading.

    I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or immediate termination of participation.

    For Microsoft Edge users: You might encounter errors due to compatibility issues with the system. Please consider reviewing your browser settings or using other browsers like Chrome.
