Dear JMU students,

Congratulations! You are a few steps away to complete your application.
(1) Passport:

To issue our offial documents, we would like to confirm your legal name and DOB. Japan has taken measures on the visa exemption arrangements for 70 countries or regions. If your nationality is not included in this list, you will need to apply for a visa.

(2) Consent:

Please read and sign to upload.

(3) Health Form:

Fill in all fields. Imcomplete forms will be returned.

    Personal Information

    * = Mandatory


    First name(*)

    Middle name

    Last name(*)

    Health Information

    Please indicate any special dietary, medical requirements, or allergies you may have.

    Upload your documents(*)

    Please upload all required documents to complete your application. File sizes must be less than 1 MB each.



    Health Form(*)

    I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or immediate termination of participation.

    If the submit button does not work, please scroll to the top of the page to see the problem.
