Kyoto Life Guide

Subject to change. Please confirm the latest infomation by yourself.

1. Arrival at the KIX airport

We do not arrange airport pickups.
Please travel to Kyoto using one of the following options.

It is strongly recommended that you arrive at Kansai International Airport (KIX), as it is the closest and most convenient international airport to Kyoto.

  1. After leaving the aircraft, have your passport and disembarkation card ready.
  2. Have your “Visit Japan Web” ready by pre-registering the information required for quarantine procedures.
  3. Proceed to Immigration (入国(にゅうこく)審査(しんさ)/Nyuukoku shinsa) and Customs (税関(ぜいかん)/Zeikan).
  4. If an immigration officer asks you the purpose of your stay in Japan, answer: Short Term Study Abroad (短期(たんき)留学(りゅうがく)です/Tanki ryuugaku desu).
  5. Once you are finished, exit to the Arrival Lobby.
  6. We highly recommend you to exchange enough currency into Japanese Yen at the airport exchange bureau.

2. Transportation

KIX to Kyoto

Here’s the guide from KIX to Kyoto.


Please travel to Kyoto using one of the following options:






Yasaka Taxi


Airport Express Train


Airport Limousine Bus


Where to find

Shuttle counter

At Terminal 1,

At 1st floor

JR “Kansai Airport Station”

Located on the 2nd floor of KIX, next to the airport ternimal

Terminal 1: Bus Stop No.8

Terminal 2: Bus Stop No.2


4,980 YEN

3,110 YEN/non-reserved seat

3,640 YEN/reserved seat

2,600 YEN/One-way

To Kyoto Station

Ticket Purchase

Available Only Reservation in advance.

Reservation can be done online from their website here (you will need to reserve by 3pm on the day before your flight.)

Purchasable by cash at the ticket vending machine or at the JR ticket booth “MIDORI-NO-MADOGUCHI”


Ticket Offices can be found in four locations near the limousine bus or taxi stops outside the northern and southern ends of the Passenger Terminal Building on the 1st floor.


Move in Kyoto

There are various forms of public transportation such as trains, subways, and buses in Kyoto. 



To ride the train (JR, Hankyu, Keifuku, Keihan) or subway you will need to buy tickets at ticket vending machines at the station or use an IC card. 

1) West Japan Railway (JR) 

 West Japan Railway Company – Travel Information(HOME) (

2) Hankyu Railway(阪急電鉄)

 Hankyu Railway

3) Keifuku Railway(京福電鉄)

 京福電気鉄道株式会社 (

4) Keihan Railway(京阪電鉄)

 Keihan Electric Railway – Traveling between Osaka, Kyoto and Shiga


The Kyoto City Bus is also useful for getting around within Kyoto. A single ride in Kyoto City area costs JPY 230.


Get on the bus through the REAR door and get off the bus through the FRONT door.The fare is paid when Getting OFF the bus. 

Information about the route the bus will take is indicated by the bus number and main destination displayed on the front, back, and the side of the bus near the door.

■Monthly Bus Pass

You can purchase a JPY 9,660 monthly bus pass if you are planning to use city buses for traveling and commuting to the university. By using this pass, you will be able to ride the bus as many times as you wish during the program period, including weekends.

You will be required to fill in a registration paper at one of the following 5 stations to purchase a pass.  You cannot buy it at Ritsumeikan University campus.

*For those who participate in 5-week program, we highly recommend to buy a monthly buss pass. A monthly bus pass is only available for one month. If your pass’s starting date is the first day of the program, please be informed that it will be expired one day before the last day of the program.





■Where To Buy?

You can purchase at “Commuter Pass Ticket Office” below.



Business Hour

Phone Number

Shijo Station 四条駅(しじょうえき) (subway)

Monday ~ Friday






Kyoto Station 京都駅(きょうとえき)


Kitaooji Station 

北大路(きたおおじ)(えき) (subway)


Sanjo Keihan Station 

三条(さんじょう)京阪駅(けいはんえき) (subway)


Nijo Station 二条駅(にじょうえき) (subway)




■Book of Bus Coupon (回数券 )

There are 2 types of books of coupons. You can purchase them at the stations where monthly bus pass is available and also at Co-op Shop of Ritsumeikan University. 







JPY230×4 tickets + JPY180×1 ticket


JPY230×24 tickets



1.Wait at the bus stop for the bus.

2.On arrival of the bus you want to ride, enter the bus.

3.When the name of your destination is announced, press the button to stop the bus.

4.As the bus arrives at your stop, show the driver your bus commuter pass or pay the exact fare while getting off the bus.

 Kyoto City Bus & Subway Information Guide:How to Take the Bus.

          IC CARD  

IC Card is convenient electronic card that can be used not only for riding trains but also as electronic money for shopping at various stores.

■Suica (IC Card by East Japan Railway)

Suica | Fares & Passes | JR-EAST (

■ICOCA (IC Card by West Japan Railway)

ICOCA – How to use JR-West (

These IC cards such us Suica and ICOCA cards can be used all across Japan on railways and buses, and at stores displaying the IC mark.
Simply recharg the card by adding funds for continued convenience!

You can also find apps for these cards.


Participants are advised to bring a raincoat or umbrella and a practical footwear. There are Japan Studies (fieldwork excursions) that may involve a lot of walking so we recommend participants to bring walking shoes and comfortable clothing. Kyoto is surrounded by three mountain ranges which provide Kyoto with much of its scenic beauty but also create extreme weather conditions.


In particular, summer is very hot and humid in 

Kyoto.(Temperature in Celcius. )

  5月 May  25°/14°

  6月 June 28°/19°

  7月 July  32°/23°

You'll happen to see snow in Kyoto.It is very cold.

Winter items such as gloves and knit hat are

required when walking outside.

(Temperature in Celcius.)

  1月 January  7℃/0℃

  2月 February 7℃/0℃

4.Tips for a daily life

Wheels Regulation

You are NOT allowed to operate or purchase a bicycle, car, motorbike, or any other vehicle during the program.

Drinking & Smoking Regulation

Drinking and smoking under the age of twenty is strictly prohibited by Japanese law.  Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus is non-smoking!

Noise in Public Area

In Japan, it is common to keep your voice volume down in public places such as inside the train, bus, buildings and etc. Also, talking on your mobile phone inside public transportation is prohibited.


Tipping is not a common practice in Japan. This includes restaurants, hotels,and taxis.

Kyoto WIFI

In bus stops, subway stations, ‘Seven Eleven’ convenience stores and public facilities, there are many wireless LAN spots in which everyone can use the Internet free of charge.

STEP 1 Select SSID

Select SSID (wireless network): KYOTO Wi-Fi on your Wi-Fi setting screen.

Next, launch an Internet browser on your smartphone or PC.


On the terms of service screen, select your preferred login method, either “Log-in with SNS account authentication” or “Log-in with email address authentication”.


I. When SNS account authentication is selected,

(1) Enter your SNS account (ID, password).

(2) After authentication is completed, “KYOTO Wi-Fi” is available.

II. When email address authentication is selected,

(1) Enter your email address to temporarily register.

(2) An email with a URL link for main registration is sent to the registered email address. Click the link to complete main registration.

(3) “KYOTO Wi-Fi” is available.

* There is no communication cost because the Internet connection required for authentication uses the “KYOTO Wi-Fi” connection environment. However, after temporary registration (procedure (1)), if the main registration (3) is not completed within 5 minutes, the Internet will be cut off.

Once main registration is complete, “KYOTO Wi-Fi” is available for a month simply by sending your email address (procedure (1)) without needing to follow procedure (2).

5.Useful Apps / Website

■Safety Tips

■Kyoto Visitors Guide

★ Ritusmeikan Campus Map
