Japan studies_2024_CWRU




Shodo is one of the unique arts drawing characters using a brush and ink. It is said to reflect the writer’s mind as well as their writing skill. You can create your own calligraphy after a few practice attempts.

You will be experiencing Shodo at “Washinkan”, a machiya (traditional Japanese townhouse) originally built over 130 year ago. The area is recognized as a historical town, in which there is a huge temple bell, well-known as the trigger of The Siege of Osaka in 1600. This battle was the significant event that had caused the beginning of the Edo Era.

2. 折り紙&かるた ORIGAMI & KARUTA


In this Japan Culture Experience, you will enjoy participating in Karuta (Japanese card games) and Origami with our Ritsumeikan BUDDIES. Karuta is a Japanese card game which you can learn Japanese reading and vocabularies while having fun. Origami is a Japanese art of folding papers to create objects such as animals and decorations. Let’s interact with BUDDIES and improve your Japanese skills while having a blast!

3. マンガアシスタント体験 Manga Assistant Experience


Kyoto International Manga Museum is the biggest manga museum in Japan that was opened in 2006 re-using the building of the former Tatsuike Elementary School. Manga is now a world-famous culture of Japan. Kyoto International Manga Museum not only exhibits recent mangas but also those from 150 years ago to those from around the world, totaling to about 300,000 items in total. You will be learning how to draw manga as a one-day manga assistant where the professionals will be directly teaching you manga drawing techniques.

4. 友禅染め体験 YUZEN DYEING

友禅染(ゆうぜんぞめ)とは元禄(げんろく)時代(じだい)に誕(たん)生(じょう)しました。扇面(せんめん)絵師(えし)・宮崎(みやざき)友禅(ゆうぜん)斎(さい)が考案(こうあん)した技法(ぎほう)で着物(きもの)に模様(もよう)を描(か)いたのが始(はじ)まりです。現在(げんざい)の友禅染(ゆうぜんぞめ)は、型紙(かたがみ)を用(もち)いて染色(せんしょく)する「型(かた)友禅(ゆうぜん)」 と、手(て)描(が)きで染(そ)め上(あ)げる「手描(てがき)友禅(ゆうぜん)」 に分(わ)けられています。


Kyo-Yuzen, a technique of painting dye directly onto cloth, was invented in the middle of the Edo era, end of the 17th century. Yuzen dyeing is named after Miyazaki Yuzensai who was famous for his beautiful fan creation in Kyoto. Yuzen dyeing techniques can divide into “freehand paining” and “pattern painting”.

At this experience, you will design your own tote bag. You will choose pattern papers for your design and dye the cloth by using Kyo-Yuzen techniques.



Yukata are worn by men and women. Like other forms of traditional Japanese clothing, yukata are made with straight seams and wide sleeves. Men’s yukata are distinguished by the shorter sleeve extension of approximately 10 cm from the armpit seam, compared to the longer 20 cm sleeve extension in women’s yukata. A standard yukata ensemble consists of a cotton undergarment (juban), yukata, obi, bare feet, sandals (geta), a foldable or fixed hand fan, and a carry bag (kinchaku). Kinchaku are used by both men and women to carry cellphones and other small personal items.

Yukata literally means bathing clothes, although their use is not limited to after-bath wear. Yukata are a common sight in Japan during the hot summer months.

Yukata are worn at outdoor summer events such as hanabi (fireworks) displays and bon-odori festivals. Yukata are also worn at traditional Japanese inns (ryokan), especially after bathing in hot springs (onsen).

6. 舞妓体験 MAIKO



Practitioners of the Geiko tradition entertain banquet guests with a variety of performing arts such as traditional dance, nagautashamisen, etc. Until age 20 or so, those who are training in these arts are called Maiko. Once finishing the training period, Maiko will become Geiko and will move out of the dormitory.

There are 5 Flower Towns in Kyoto and we have Maiko and Geiko today to perform the Kyo-mai (traditional Kyoto dance) and to play the traditional games with you. It is very rare for even Japanese living in Kyoto to actually get in contact with authentic Maiko and Geiko. Use this opportunity to find out more about the beautiful Maiko and Geiko!

★Special:きぬがさ農園 KINUGASA FARM

毎週(まいしゅう)金曜日(きんようび)午後(ごご)、立命(りつめい)館(かん)大学(だいがく)衣笠(きぬがさ)キャンパス体育館(たいいくかん)の南西(なんせい)にある「きぬがさ農園(のうえん)」で学生(がくせい)・教職員(きょうしょくいん)が地域(ちいき)住民(じゅうみん)の方(かた)とともに農作業(のうさぎょう)を楽しんで(たの)います。キャンパス内(ない)で行われて(おこな)いる落ち葉(おば)のそうじが目(め)にとまり、大量(たいりょう)の落ち葉(おちば)をごみとして捨てる(すてる)だけではなく、何(なに)かに活用(かつよう)できないかと気づいた(き)学生(がくせい)が学生(がくせい)団体(だんたい)「Kreis(クライス)」立ち上げ(た    あ)のきっかけです。地域(ちいき)、大学(だいがく)、学生(がくせい)がつながり、キャンパス内(ない)の資源(しげん)を循環(じゅんかん)させることを目標(もくひょう)としています。

2023年(ねん)2月(がつ)その取り組み(とりくみ)が評(ひょう)価(か)され「第12回(だい  かい)毎(まい)日(にち)地球(ちきゅう)未来(みらい)賞(しょう) 久保田(くぼた)賞(しょう)」も受賞(じゅしょう)しています。



Every Friday afternoon, students, faculty, and staff enjoy working with local residents at the Kinugasa Farm, located southwest of the gymnasium on Ritsumeikan University’s Kinugasa Campus. The student group “Kreis” was started by a student who noticed the large amount of fallen leaves being cleaned up on campus and wondered if they could be used for something rather than just thrown away as garbage. The goal of the project is to recycle resources on campus by connecting the local community, the university, and students.

In February 2023, the project was awarded the Kubota Prize of the 12th Mainichi Earth Future Prize.

◇Kreis is a German word meaning “connection, bond, or circle.”

Japan studies_2024_CWRU